DepEd- Calabarzon
The Challenge
DepEd IV-a (Calabarzon) wanted to maximized the web for their information dissemination to fast tract education related projects. They wanted a solutions provided that does not only provide the infrastructure but a partner that will provide them IT guidance on their technology upgrades.
The Solution
IntelStar Technologies, provided them a 2-year development plan to accomplish its vision for IT infrastructures and facility upgrades. They were flooded by typhoon Yolanda and they wanted to rehabilitate their infra including their web portal. We provided them technical guidance, trainings and provide insights for them to come up with ultimate decisions.
IT Consultancy
Website Redesign
Cloud Facility
Community Engagement
Mobile Site Boosted User Engagement By 70%
Portal Enhancement
Web portal was redesigned based on the requirements set by DepEd.
Social Enabled
With the integration of social platform. Engagement of the community spike in the first quarter of the year.
Extensive Demographic Studies
With the demographics and analytic tools, DepEd-Calabarzon can easily communicate and address the need of its stakeholders

- Mobile Engagement 30%
- Website Traffic 90%
- Conversion Rate 75%
- Email Subscribers 60%
The Results Were Amazing
DepEd Calabarzon is now one of the top visited sites of DepEd in the regional level. Intelstar provide modular and responsive design of the site to achieve easy navigation and ituitive interface.
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