BokShap Digital Conversion

eBooks for K12
We provide as an exemplary conversion partner for Philippine educational publishers who outsource their ebook conversion from the formats available on their publishing business process (Adobe InDesign, PDF, Quark Express and ODT).
IDPF Standard
We follow the international standards in our convertion process. We support format such as XML, EPUB 2.0, Enhance EPUB and the next generation EPUB 3.0 which includes several enhancements such as being able to support MathML.
Enhance ePubs
We design and customized request by educational publishers for an enhanced ePubs to support features such as fixed layout, spread and reflowable layout, image text wrapping, external weblinks and LMS integration.
Security First
We truly value security for client’s books. We prefer our clients to upload their books for conversion (PDF,ODT or INDESIGN) in our secured cloud service. Same way we do for ebooks prior to testing, debugging, delivery and acceptance process.
We turn your books into digital masterpieces
We have expertise in the latest Digital Publishing tools which is our platform to transform your books and magazines into a digital masterpiece.

BokShap is your best choice for eBook conversion
Our eBook Conversion Service is all about quality and quantity. Our team has professionals who has intensive knowledge in digital publishing and years of experience to offer you total quality control. Our eBook publishing experts will produce high-quality eBook files that are viewable on ALL popular eReaders and devices.

Books Converted
Happy Clients
Sleepless Nights
Amazing Result
eBooks Features
We deliver various eBooks formatting request specifically for educational publishers who wants to take their ebooks to the next level. Thus, making learning fun and engaging.
- Reflowable text
- Highlights in various colors
- Searchable text
- Dictionary
- Image text wrap
- Fixed-layout and backgroud image
- Embed video
- Speech/Audio
- Embeded Assessment
- Drag and drop feautures
- Pop-up links
Our Conversion Process
Our eBook conversion specialists personally handle every eBook file they receive. We’ll transform your digital manuscript into a quality-assured, eBook-compatible file that can be read on smartphones, tablets and any popular eBook reader such us iBooks, Aldiko, BlueFire, Kindle, and Nook.